Friday, November 16, 2007

IIIIIIIIIII would just like to say

Crushes suck. I hate having them. They are the invention of Satan himself.



At November 17, 2007 at 5:45 PM, Blogger Avid Diva said...

I TOTALLY AGREE. I just posted on this, too. :(

At November 17, 2007 at 7:27 PM, Blogger Law Fairy said...


Well, fortunately (or unfortunately) I at least have some resolution now. That being: yet another Christmas and New Year's alone.


At November 18, 2007 at 2:24 AM, Blogger Avid Diva said...

Likewise. Sucks. :(

At November 18, 2007 at 10:25 AM, Blogger Bianca Reagan said...

I haven't had a crush in . . . wow, it's been a while. I need to get out more.

At November 18, 2007 at 1:39 PM, Blogger Law Fairy said...

Odderie, what is wrong with men that two fabulous single gals like us can't seem to land a decent one, like, EVER?

Bianca, stay in. For your own sanity's sake. There is very little more frustrating than being forced to face the fact that, of the very very few people you're ever remotely interested in, all of them are either taken or completely UNtaken with you.

And then you decide that, screw it, you're going to go out wearing something fabulously sexy because, dammit, you just need to feel good about yourself, only to be reminded why you never dress that way as you spend the entire evening dodging the EXTREMELY unwelcome advances of a totally uninteresting guy who cannot take a fucking hint.

God I hate being single.

At November 23, 2007 at 10:41 PM, Blogger Bianca Reagan said...

But you and your red bangs seem so cute. I'm sure there are some decent guys out there who are taken with you.

At November 24, 2007 at 9:02 AM, Blogger Linnaeus said...

LF, it's pretty common for men to feel the same way you're feeling now, i.e., why one can't seem to attract a good mate despite having very good qualities, being single sucks, having an unrequited crush, etc. If I had a dime, or even a nickel, for every time I felt that way, I'd be debt-free and then some. :)

With regard to being single, it's easy to overlook the good things about it, especially when the object of one's attraction isn't available. I just got out of a five-year relationship a few months ago, and while it's taken some adjustment, I've found that singlehood is definitely preferable to a relationship that isn't working out. I now have a flexibility that I didn't have before and I can spend more time on making myself a better person.

Maybe it's something I've learned to appreciate as I've gotten more experience with relationships over the past several years.

You'll be fine, LF.

At November 24, 2007 at 10:08 AM, Blogger Law Fairy said...

Bianca, awww. Well, I don't mean to say that decent guys are never attracted to me. But decent, single guys who have similar life goals and perspectives, and with whom I have any chemistry whatsoever, are apparently rarer than a Christian fundamentalist at a Wiccan convention. It's really unfortunate, actually... there have been a couple times where I had wished I could just be attracted to X, but I am absolutely one hundred percent not, even though I care for him dearly. My atoms are all screwed up.

Thanks, linnaeus. But, see, that's the thing. For a good year or two now I haven't really had any desire whatsoever to be in a relationship. I love living alone, I've traveled on my own and enjoyed it, I can eat out on my own or go to a movie on my own. I am absolutely well aware of the perks of being single, and I have spent years reveling in them. And I have never stayed in a relationship that wasn't worth my while. Ever. Which is why all of my relationships have been ridiculously short...

So, having lived the single life for a while (i.e., almost my entire adult life), and after learning to appreciate and enjoy it, I think I'm ready to do something different. Hence my extreme frustration. (And, I'm sure guys feel the same way about meeting the "right" person.)

At November 24, 2007 at 10:28 AM, Blogger Linnaeus said...

Oh, I understand, LF. It is, as "they" say, a question of balance. When you know you want something, and you've had enough of the alternative, it can definitely wear on you.


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