Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I JUST Don't Get This

Apparently some "parents" tired of caring for their disabled toddler thought that tying him up and just letting him die was the way to go.


Look, I get, I really and truly legitimately Get, if caring for a disabled child is too much. Seriously, there are people in this world who can do it and there are people who can't. It doesn't make you a horrible person to admit that you can't. I'll gladly admit that I'm one of those people. I just don't have the patience to deal with it. I have other qualities, but patience is not one of them. This is fine, none of us is perfect.

But isn't there a better solution that killing your kid? Like, there are lots of amazing people out there who adopt and care for disabled kids. There are churches and shelters that care for them. There are so many good-hearted people out there willing to help if you'll just let them. Why would you kill your child?

What, were they ashamed that the world would know that they couldn't do it? Come on, people, most of us can't do it! You would really murder someone for pride? I mean, you would actually take a tiny little innocent boy's life so your neighbors wouldn't know you were just an average selfish person like everybody else?

Yeah, well, we can see how brilliantly your plan worked out for you.

As a completely unrelated aside, there's very little in this world that's more annoying than bosses who ask you the same question five times. One more question and I'm just forwarding an old email instead of writing a new answer...


At August 31, 2006 at 5:37 AM, Blogger Michele said...

I couldn't finish reading the article; I am so sick right now. What makes it even worse (if it *can* be worse) is that the boy was a foster child - the VOLUNTEERED to have him. People are so %*$&%(^ awful...I can't take it!

At August 31, 2006 at 9:43 AM, Blogger heartinsanfrancisco said...

This is one of the most appalling things I've ever seen. Such monstrous, depraved inhumanity should be punished beyond the limit of the law. It's really incomprehensible that anyone could be so cruel.

At August 31, 2006 at 3:05 PM, Blogger Law Fairy said...

michele, let's start an island colony. Prerequisites for admission: 1) an ability to think for yourself; 2) basic fundamental respect for human life. Maybe a few more that I'll think of later, but I think those should be fundamentals...

heart in sf, monstrous is the word for it all right. I'm generally opposed to the death penalty but I'd make an exception in this case... I think as a planet we're better off without these two.

special sauce, sorry about the bad mood thing. Bad moods suck. But, yeah, it's just inconceivable to me how two people could *plot* to kill a tiny, helpless toddler. I, just. HOW can you do that? HOW??

I'm up for that drink...

At August 31, 2006 at 4:38 PM, Blogger Law Fairy said...

good Lord, sixer, I feel real sorrow for your wife and I admire her ability to deal with it. I'd probably go psycho-nuts and dole out some of that arm-ended justice you were talking about.


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